We do everything legacy
And we do it for ALL charities. For the large and the small. For the longstanding, and the new to legacy giving. Increasingly, charities are looking to work with us across the Legacy Futures group. And we have a range of services designed for those that we call ‘emerging charities’, where you might be new or long established, but you are new to legacy giving.
All charities’ situations are different, and we always bespoke our services to what you need. But here’s a brief outline of the kinds of things that we tend to offer to emerging charities to get you started, to balance the need for strategic direction and prioritisation, with quick wins to get you going. For you to choose, to suit your needs.
- Emerging Charities Forecast
- Legacy investment business case
- Legacy audit
- Donor insight
- In-memory prioritising workshop
- In-memory Healthcheck and content review
- Legacy Admin Healthcheck
- Legacy strategy and prioritising workshop
- Legacy proposition development
- Legacy marketing materials
- Training and internal engagement
Contact us
For more information, contact Richard Hill, Client Partnerships at richard.hill@legacyfutures.com, who will discuss your needs and pricing.
Emerging Charities Forecast
Shows your potential legacy income performance with three income scenarios over the next 10 years. We draw on market data and any data that you might also have, looking at historical performance vs the Market and your peers, to provide recommendations to optimise your income.
Legacy investment business case
This work quantifies the impact of investing in legacy marketing – how much return will you see and when will you see it? We create a model that tells you what we expect to happen to your bequests and legacy income from additional marketing spend over the next 40 years, as that can be the amount of time it takes to see the full return on legacy marketing investment. You will then have data on legacy ROI and timings to support your investment bid.
Legacy audit
A short and sweet examination of your current position and context in the market around you, based on our deep experience and what we find in your existing legacy practises.
Donor insight
Everything we do is based on insight into the motivations unique to your key audiences. We can build on your own work or devise research to fit your needs:
- Supporter survey to measure factors like trust in your cause and their potential to leave a gift.
- Interviews and groups, whether pledgers, individual givers, major donors, volunteers, colleagues, solicitors, lay executors, and so on.
- Creative testing with warm supporters and cold prospects.
In-memory prioritising workshop
We have been running the In-memory Insight programme for over ten years and are leaders in the field. If you are new to In-memory giving we run simples workshops to get the basics in place. We look at sector insight and best practice, and your audiences, needs and touchpoints. We brainstorm ideas and pull together an action plan, for you to deliver or with our support.
In-memory Healthcheck and content review
If you have an existing In-memory programme, we can assess factors like: your performance vs best practice and peers; internal barriers and opportunities to grow In-memory; your opportunity and strategic options. Recommendations might include supporter insight, strategy planning and NPD.
We can also assess the effectiveness of your marketing content vs best practice. We look at online content, navigation, quality, depth and inspiration; look, feel and TOV; with a checklist of immediate improvements. We can do the same with your offline content.
Legacy Admin Healthcheck
Legacy Link is the UK’s largest legacy administration team. We offer an independent assessment of you processes and procedures with recommendations for best practice. E.g.: Security and risk; forecasting income; keeping on top of routine matters; general procedures; review of delegated authority; use of database and computer systems; tone and frequency of comms; SORP compliance.
Legacy strategy and prioritising workshop
To define your quick win priorities, considering issues like: What does best look like and how do we get there? Warm and cold audiences? Barriers and opportunities for internal stakeholders to support your strategy? Your legacy ambition, vision and mission and how to deliver it? Supporter journeys and pledger stewardship strategies? Delivered as two 2.5hr workshops and a short report.
Legacy proposition development
We have created new legacy propositions for charities of all shapes and sizes, including Comic Relief, Scope, The Prince’s Trust, Natural History Museum, Welthungerhilfe, Oxfam NL, Claire House, RSPCA Australia, and many more. Click here to see Comic Relief.
Legacy marketing materials
We can design, write and produce legacy assets such as: enquirer packs, direct mails, letters, people photography and their stories, helpline scripts, case for giving; templates for email, social, email, website content; digital welcome journey for online enquirers.
Training and internal engagement
We offer a bespoke, collaborative and story-telling approach to training and colleague engagement that includes: train the trainer, coaching and mentoring; leadership training and engagement.