The size and shape of the legacy market
Gifts in wills are a vital and buoyant source of charity income. These data dashboards for the financial year ending 2022/23 describe the size and shape of gifts in wills in the UK, and how legacy incomes have grown over the past 30 years.
Total UK Legacy Income, £bn
Over the past 30 years legacy incomes have quadrupled in value, from £0.9bn in 1993 to £4.0bn in 2022/23. Even once inflation has been taken into account, real incomes have doubled – which means British charities can launch twice as many lifeboats, train twice as many guide dogs or support twice as many cancer patients as before.
Legacy Foresight, Market Model 2023
Annual legacy income
↗ An increase of 7.4% on 2021/22.
Total UK legacy income in 2022/23 coming from around 140,000 bequests (growth of just 0.6%, limited by the ongoing probate backlog).

6.7 years
Unlike other forms of giving, there can be a long time lag between someone writing a gift into their will and the charity receiving the money. For residuary gifts, it takes an average of 6.7 years from last will to death and another 2.5 years to receive all the income from the estate.
There is a wide range within this average, and some charities with an older supporter base see a shorter average time from last will to gift.
Legacy Foresight, Monitor Healtcheck data 2023
Future Growth
Access the latest legacy market insights
Our Legacy Foresight team have been tracking and analysing the legacy market since 1992.
Legacy Monitor, our flagship benchmarking service, brings together 80+ of the largest UK charities to share and benchmark legacy data in almost real-time. Together they represent about half of all legacy income.
Legacy Monitor can help you to:
- Keep up to speed with the very latest trends
- Assess your performance against the market, and your closest peers
- Develop your legacy fundraising strategy and plans
- Produce income forecasts and targets
To find out more about how you can join, visit our Legacy Foresight website.