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Increasing legacy values through good legacy administration

Posted on 8th August 2023

Legacy Link’s mission is to help charities grow with legacy giving, and they support around 120 charities each week with a legacy administration service.

One of the myths of legacy administration, is that it is simply an administrative process.

But good legacy administration is an art as much a science, and requires excellent communication, tenacity, detective skills, as well as a good grasp of the legal landscape.

Do it well and you will improve your charity’s reputation, reduce any potential risk, speed up the time to payment, and even increase the amount you receive.

Last year, Legacy Link helped its charities to collectively receive over £200m in legacy income, and an estimated £10m of this was in added value.

Here the team share their top tips for how to add value through the legacy administration process, and share some real life examples from successes this year.

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