Christmas is a time to give, and a tradition we love at Legacy Futures is to invite the newest members of our team to nominate a charity close to them to receive a donation.

Niemann-Pick UK
Nominated by Sam Tuvey, Analyst at Legacy Foresight
“I am nominating Niemann-Pick UK for my Christmas donation.
They are a small charity who are dedicated to making a significant positive difference in the lives of those affected by Niemann-Pick diseases, which are a group of very rare and devastating inherited diseases.
I have chosen Niemann-Pick UK because my close friend’s sister, Annie, sadly passed away from this disease last year and the charity were incredible in supporting the family during her passing and throughout the years. Niemann-Pick UK do so much to raise awareness of this terrible disease and help in the search for a cure.”

Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare
Nominated by Lesley Hutchison, Developing Consultant at Legacy Link
“I would like to nominate Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare.
This is a charity which has been operating now for 70 years. It rescues, rehabilitates, rehomes, and provides sanctuary to many different species of animals and is run by volunteers who clearly love what they do and the environment they work in.
I have seen firsthand as I have driven past on occasion over the years boxes outside their gates which contains animals. Although I do not condone this, it is to be noted that Raystede is an excellent place for an Animal to be loved, kept warm and cared for and many people know this so when desperate, better to be left at Raystede’s gates than just left at a roadside or worse.”

Celia Hammond Animal Trust
Nominated by Jo Hatton, Developing Consultant at Legacy Link
“I would like to nominate The Celia Hammond Animal Trust.
The charity has a sanctuary not too far from where I live and through my Nan, who volunteers in one of their shops, I’m aware of the number of strays rescued and cared for here.”

British Hedgehog Preservation Society
Nominated by Mary-Anne Punnett, Senior Consultant at Legacy Link
“My chosen charity is British Hedgehog Preservation Society
Since moving to the countryside 6 years ago, my family and I have just fallen in love with hedgehogs. Each year we enjoy watching our hedgehog population grow, providing first aid when needed and creating a hedgehog friendly environment. The BHPS is such an amazing organisation providing education, campaigning, and advocating to help raise awareness of practical steps which can be taken to reverse the decline of native hedgehogs in the wild. A fantastic and worthy cause.”