
CIOF Convention

Legacy Futures will be delivering three sessions at this year’s CIOF convention.  

  • The In Memory team will introduce a panel of in-memory fundraisers to showcase and celebrate their charity’s own flagship in-memory products. Each panellist will introduce their charity’s product, describing how it works, what makes it special and any valuable learnings from its development. This session will be overlaid with insights from Legacy Foresight’s own, extensive research about what in-memory supporters really want and need from in-memory products and experiences. The audience will have the opportunity to ask panellists any questions, and will be asked to reflect on which of the products featured they feel chimes most strongly with one or more of their own supporters’ needs.
  • Ashley Rowthorn and Lucinda Frostick (Remember a Charity) will deliver a session around engaging boards with legacies. Legacy giving thrives when the whole organisation buys into it and sees it as a strategic priority. But this dream of the legacy fundraiser can be hard to achieve when there are so many other priorities to consider when running a large, complex organisation. Leadership teams don’t always understand how legacy giving works, or can find it challenging to invest in an income stream that can appear to be volatile and lack a clear way to evaluate if investments are working.  So for legacy fundraising to succeed, legacy fundraisers need to engage, educate, and motivate their organisations leadership teams, and help them see it as the strategic priority that it is. This session will bring together a panel of senior leaders from around the sector to discuss how best to engage boards and trustees with legacies. 
  • Dr Claire Routley will deliver a session particularly targeted at the needs of fundraisers from smaller charities, covering the key things they need to get started, from getting buy in from senior people to crafting a unique legacy message for smaller organisations.

Speakers: Ashley Rowthorn, Claire Routley, Nancy Everson, Emily Grint