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Challenging times for hospice legacy income?

Posted on 22nd August 2023

Richard Hill, programme manager for Legacy Futures’ Hospice Legacy Circle, explains why these are difficult times for hospices and shares his top five tips for how a bleak outlook can be made brighter.

Hospice legacy income is currently worth £249 million (Legacy Foresight, NCVO Charity Commission Data 2021/22) and is a vital source of income for hospices, who are more dependent on legacies than many other sectors. Funds from legacy gifts make up 47% of total voluntary income, compared to 42% for the health sector, and 29% of all charities (NCVO).

What is concerning is that income growth over the last 10 years for the hospice sector has started to lag behind other local and specialist health charities. For hospices, the figure stands at just 4.4%, which appears unfavourable when compared to air ambulances at 12.5% and all heath charities at 5.0%.

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Join Legacy Futures with David Burland on Thursday 7th Septemebr, to hear the findings of their 2023 report which explores how the importance of legacies in the sector has changed over the last three years.

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