
Managing Growth in Legacy Giving

Legacy Foresight predict that in the next 10 years, almost 1.4m legacy gifts will be received by charities in the UK, an increase of 20% on the last decade. Looking further ahead, the overall legacy market is expected to double in real terms by 2050.

While undoubtedly good news for the charity sector, it does pose a significant challenge at the same time, especially when legacy teams are already at stretch managing the current level of legacy income.

Join us as we have a deeper discussion about this subject and what strategies the sector might be able to take to manage legacy growth in the long term.


Ashley Rowthorn – CEO at Legacy Futures, Matthew Ladgen, CEO at ILM, Samantha Devlin – Head of Product: Legacy Giving at Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and Marcia Prince, Legacy Consultant at Legacy Link.